A: Impact on (bio-)geochemical cycle by global/local climate change throughout earth's history
1) The Cretaceous "hothouse" world
2) Anthropogenic climate change over the past few-hundred years
3) Other warming and cooling
B: Evolutionary history of marine primary producer
1) Reconstruction of algal bloom and their influence on marine ecosystem and organic carbon burial
2) History of ecological competition among marine primary producer (e.g., dinoflagellate, cyanobacteria, coccolithophorid and diatom)
3) Origin of modern and fossil acritarchs: Morphological and chemical comparison with other marine palynomorphs
Whatever is fine! (e.g., rock, sediment, water, culture sample, snow, firn and ice)
Study Area
Vocontian Basin, SE France (sedimentary rock, Cretaceous)
Yezo Group, Hokkaido, Japan (sedimentary rock, Cretaceous)
Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean (sediment, Cretaceous and Miocene)
Seto Inland Sea (sediment, early modern to recent)
Lake Nakaumi and Lake Shinji (sediment, early modern to recent)
SE Dome and SIGMA-A, Greenland (firn and ice, early modern to recent)
Bowdoin Fjord, Greenland (sediment, early modern to recent)
Tools (Proxies)
Biomarker (e.g., steroid, hopanioid, alkenones, diols and HBIs)
Palynomorph (e.g., dinocyst, acritarch, ciliate cyst and lorica, foraminiferal lining and prasinophycean phycoma)
Aerosol (e.g., nitrate and sulfate)
with interpretation of basical geological and glaciological data including physical properties.
I commonly use... GC-MS, GC, fluorescent microscope, micro-Raman and micro-FTIR.